Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Nine

I am feeling a little guilty.  This morning I woke up and just like every other day this week I got right to the exercising...and then I thought, Hey this is Sunday.  I argued with myself about whether or not it would be ok to exercise on the day of rest...until I remembered that I pretty much rested for the last 44 years!  :)

It all comes down to how badly you want something, and what you are willing to do to make it happen.  This is a change that I am SO ready for, and is right before me.  It is my choice how much I am willing to put into it.  Whether it is Sunday or not, I stayed on track and worked the started out great and I expect nothing less from the rest  of it.

Todays quote:

Never act until you have clearly answered the question: "What happens if I do nothing?"  ~Robert Brault,

1 comment:

  1. I think that the day of rest is more about commerce than physical activity. If you were hosting a Creative Memories party, I would say it was against the intent of what God wanted. But working out is good for your body and spirit. I am resting because I worked out 5 times in the past week, including yesterday and Friday, and plan on working out tomorrow.
